What's new in AAY1581? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.13: (December 2005) - Full Cross-Reference for RAM-Area and IO-Chips - ROM Differences - CIA and WD registers now in English - fixed CIA8520A-TOD description (which is way different from the CIA6526-TOD) - added more hyperlinks - now full 7-bit ASCII - removed tons of glitches Version 0.12: - CIA8520A and WD177X-registers added - Jobcodes (in English) - now whole RAM-Area is covered - bugfixes & little improvements Version 0.11: - KERNAL jump-reference added - fixed a bunch of glitches Version 0.10: - initial release (Big thanx to Peter Steiner who shared his commented 1581-ROM-Listing! Great work!) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- What might be new in AAY1581 somewhen? - more info about the WD177X (has somebody docs?) - bugfixes - your suggestions -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you find a bug, have an idea how to improve AAY1581 or simply want to encourage me, please send a mail to: ninja@the-dreams.de